Come to Paula Tesoriero's end of year Zoom hui

Join our Chief Executive, Paula Tesoriero MNZM for a hui via zoom on Thursday 15 December 2022 from 6.00pm to 7.00pm.  

The topic for this session is “Reflecting on our first six months and prioritising for the year ahead.” 

It is an opportunity for tāngata whaikaha Māori, disabled people and whānau to join us as we reflect on what we have achieved over a very busy six months since we were established and kōrero with you about our top priorities heading into 2023. 

You will have an opportunity to ask Paula some pātai (questions). You’re welcome to email us your questions when you register. We had a lot of questions at our last session, and we’re doing our best to answer them and have them available on our website. 
The Zoom session will have NZSL interpreters, captions and will be recorded.  
To register, email us and we will send you the link for the event.