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Printed on: 10 January 2025

Canterbury, South Canterbury and West Coast respite options

A ‘respite option’ is any support or service that gives you a break from your caring responsibilities. This can be a break away or a break in your home. 

Below is a directory of information on some of the services available in your region that could help you take a break. You can choose the respite options that best suit you and your family. As well as the services listed here, you also have the choice to ask friends or family for help or use other supports or services.  

A Needs Assessment and Service Coordination (NASC) in your region can help you get funding for respite and find respite options that will work best for you. 

Address: 94 Disraeli Street, Sydenham, Christchurch 8023  

Overnight respite

Aged residential care  

Overnight respite for adults with disabilities may be available in an aged residential care facility.  

Please contact your NASC for more information.  


Overnight respite for people of all ages. Also offers flexible disability support options for respite during the day and school holiday programmes.  

  • Address: Private Bag 4738, Christchurch 8024  

CCS Disability Action Holiday home  

Holiday home available for use in Greymouth. Can be used by individuals or a group sharing a carer.  


Provides short-term emergency and planned respite care to children (aged 3–12 years) in times of family stress or crisis.  

Claddagh Haven Trust  

Overnight respite for adults. Can be accessed using Individualised Funding or Carer Support/I Choose.  

  • Address: PO Box 69-126, Lincoln, Christchurch 7640  

Community residential houses  

Overnight respite for disabled adults may be available in an established home for disabled adults.  

Please contact your NASC to find out more. 

Hawksbury Community Living Trust  

A flexible disability support provider. Also offers weekday activities for adults.  

  • Address: Unit 2, 41 Sir William Pickering Drive, Harewood, Christchurch 8545  

Henderson Homes  

Overnight respite for adults. Please contact your NASC to find out more.  

Hōhepa Canterbury  

Overnight respite for adults. Can be accessed using Individualised Funding or Carer Support. Community participation programmes are also available.  

Laura Fergusson Trust  

Overnight respite for physically disabled adults. . 

Please contact your NASC to find out more.  

Marrolomeda Charitable Trust  

Overnight respite for adults may be available using Carer Support/I Choose.  

NZ Community Living 

Overnight respite for children and adults at various locations in Canterbury.  

Please contact your NASC to find out more.  

Weekday activities

Aged care day care programmes  

Some aged care providers run daytime activity programmes that are suitable for disabled adults.  

Please contact your NASC to find out more. 

Out of school care and early childhood education

Before and after school care, school holiday programmes  

A number of organisations provide out-of-school care, which includes before and after school and during the school holidays. Some mainstream services will have experience and skills in supporting disabled children.  

In-home childcare and early childhood education  

Early childhood education (ECE) provides education and care for children before they go to primary school. There are many different types of early childhood education providers, including daycare centres, kindergartens, home-based childcare, kōhanga reo nannies, playcentre and play groups. Find all types of early childhood education in your community from the website below.  

Sporting, social and recreational activities

Boccia New Zealand  

Boccia New Zealand promotes and supports the sport of boccia among all people with a physical disability throughout New Zealand.  

Halberg AllSports 

The Halberg Disability Sport Foundation was founded by Olympic champion Sir Murray Halberg in 1963 to enhance the lives of physically disabled New Zealanders by enabling them to participate in sport and recreation.  

New Zealand Riding for the Disabled  

New Zealand Riding for the Disabled (NZRDA) provides opportunities for any disabled people  to enjoy safe, stimulating and therapeutic horse riding and horse-related activities.  

Special Olympics  

Special Olympics provides year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with an intellectual disability.  

Relief carers, support workers and natural supports

Emerge Aotearoa 

Emerge Aotearoa provides a wide range of community-based services including, day activities, employment support, flexible disability support and respite support.  

Family Whānau Support  

A support worker ‘buddy’ who offers regular respite hours, either at home or in the community.  

Please contact your NASC for more information.  

Geneva Healthcare 

Geneva Healthcare can provide flexible options for support.  

Teacher aides  

Ask local schools if you’re able to advertise to their teacher aide staff for support during the school holidays or for an evening out.  


Rockmybaby® offer childcare recruitment services.  


An online platform where the people willing to help can meet the people needing help. Find and employ support workers and volunteers on a secure website.  


An online community to help you connect with people in your community who would like to offer support or care.