Alternate formats
We aim to provide as much information about our Ministry in formats that best meet the needs of our community. This includes Easy Read, large print, audio, NZSL and braille.
We are working on providing alternate formats for key information on this site. If there is something you need that isn't listed here, please contact us(Link: 22).
Previously alternate formats of information published before Whaikaha was established was found here. You can now find this information in our alternate formats of information developed before Whaikaha was established(Link: 23) article.
Where to find alternate formats
On our website if a page is available in alternate formats they will be in the Alternate formats section at the bottom of the page, we will link to this section in the page's menu.
If a document on a webpage is available in alternate formats we will list these alternate formats directly below the document.
You can contact us(Link: 24) with any questions or if you need something in an alternate format and it isn't available.