Budget investment in disability welcomed

The Ministry of Disabled People - Whaikaha welcomes the Government’s investment in disability for Budget 2024.

This $1.1 billion funding package will ensure we can continue to deliver critical disability support services for disabled people and tāngata whaikaha Māori.

We are acutely aware of the financial pressures and difficulties which are being experienced by the disability community and providers.

Decisions on how the new funding is spent will be made over the coming months. It is important we take the time to consider where we can best put funds to help the people who need it the most.

The Government has recently announced an Independent review into disability support services funded by Whaikaha external URL . This review will help give disabled people, their families, and carers certainty around the choices they have for how they lead a good life. 

There are currently no plans to reverse the changes to the Purchasing Rules introduced in March 2024.