Residential-based support services

High and Complex Framework

The HCF provides a diversionary pathway for people with an intellectual disability who are engaged with the criminal justice system towards more appropriate supports with a strong rehabilitative focus. Around 200–250 disabled people, many of whom have committed serious offences, are supported through the Framework.

The commissioning responsibilities for the Framework transferred to the Ministry on 1 July 2022.

The Ombudsman’s 2021 Oversight Report identified that the current Framework does not always meet the needs of all care recipients. Living environment and infrastructure deficits, workforce shortages, and funding and capacity challenges are multi-causal and result in critical issues. Te Tiriti o Waitangi principles are also not well embedded into the approach.

The Ministry has developed a work programme to address the key issues raised in the 2021 Ombudsman’s investigation and in the wider Framework. The Ministry released the HCF Operational Strategy in August 2023, which is a strategic response to the Ombudsman’s 2021 Oversight Report.

This Operational Strategy outlines the desired future state as shared with the Ministry by those engaged with the Framework and describes the steps to take toward realising this vision.

Actions taken in the 2024 financial year include:

  1. Forensic Coordination Services was moved under the direct management of the Ministry in March 2024. This transition has progressed well, and plans are underway to retender the service in 2025.
  2. HCF Strategy Implementation is underway:
  • Governance Structure and authorising environment for the HCF Strategy Implementation was stood up in November 2023.
  • There is regular engagement with Treasury on planning for capital and operational investment into forensic ID facilities following the submission and review of the HCF Risk Profile Assessment by Treasury in August 2023.
  • Strategic Assessment will seek approval to develop a Programme Business Case (PBC) for the capital and operational investment required to meet critical capacity and flow challenges across the HCF. This was reviewed by governance groups.
  • Planning for all five cases of the PBC is underway, including cross-agency and sector consultation on preferred investment options development.
  • Workforce and Policy working groups have been stood up and sequencing of actions and key deliverables is underway.
  1. Response to the Ombudsman Report:
    • A formal response to 'Oversight' was provided to the Office of the Ombudsman on 1 August 2023.
    • Ongoing and regular updates are provided to the Office of the Ombudsman via written reporting and six-weekly meetings.