Monitoring reports and responses

Find reports from IMM and responses from Government, and reports from the Convention Coalition.

Reports from IMM and Responses 

The three independent monitors have published two joint reports on their monitoring activity, in 2012 and 2014.

In June 2015, the Government response to the Independent Monitoring Mechanism about these reports was released.

Reports from the Convention Coalition Monitoring Group

What is the Convention Coalition?

The Article 33 New Zealand Convention Coalition Monitoring Group (also called the “Convention Coalition”) is a group of 8 Disabled People’s Organisations.

The members are:

  • Association of Blind Citizens of New Zealand Incorporated
  • Balance NZ
  • Deaf Aotearoa New Zealand Incorporated
  • Deafblind (NZ) Incorporated
  • Disabled Persons Assembly (New Zealand) Inc
  • Ngā Hau e Whā
  • Ngāti Kāpo o Aotearoa Incorporated
  • People First New Zealand Incorporated —Nga Tangata Tuatahi.

All of these organisations are governed by disabled people. They work together to monitor how New Zealand is implementing the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. As monitors of the Convention, they collect information to see how well the Convention is being implemented and if it is making a difference to the everyday lives of disabled people.

The Convention Coalition is part of of the Independent Monitoring Mechanism under the Convention. It consists of three equal partners in monitoring: Human Rights Commission, Office of the Ombudsman, and the Convention Coalition.

The Convention Coalition's reports

2015 - Participation and poverty report

2015 - Acceptance and society report

2013 - Media report

2012 - Disability rights in Aotearoa New Zealand report

2010 - Disability rights in Aotearoa New Zealand report