Budget 2024

Fact sheets outlining the changes in funding and disability initiatives announced in the 2024 Government's Budget.

Government has allocated $1.1 billion over the forecast period to ensure the Ministry of Disabled People - Whaikaha can continue to deliver critical disability support services for disabled people and tāngata whaikaha Māori.

Fact sheet: Ministry of Disabled People - Whaikaha Budget 2024

OVERALL BUDGET PACKAGE: $1.1 billion over five years to ensure the Ministry of Disabled People – Whaikaha can continue to deliver critical disability support services for disabled people.

Entity 2023/24 2024/25 2025/26 2026/27 2027/28 & outyears TOTAL
Ministry of Disabled People - Whaikaha 80.000 322.308 230.308 230.309 236.975 1,099.900
TOTAL funding 80.000 322.308 230.308 230.239 236.975 1,099.900

This initiative provides additional funding each year on top of maintaining the Government’s more than $2.2 billion per annum investment in disability support services.

The new funding goes towards meeting cost pressures on the system, including price increases due to inflation and increases in service volumes due to demand.

At the same time, an independent review of the disability support system is being undertaken to ensure its long-term financial sustainability.

This investment will also ensure the following ongoing support for disabled people:

  • Home and Community Support Services – support with household management and personal care for people living in their own home.
  • Respite care – supporting disabled people or family carers to have a break.
  • Community Residential care – supporting disabled people to have safe and satisfying lives in a supported living environment.
  • Environmental Support Services – supporting disabled people to navigate their everyday lives, for example: assistive communication technology, wheelchairs, home and vehicle modifications, and hearing and vision services.
  • The High and Complex Framework Strategy – supporting people with an intellectual disability who have offended and are in secure or supervised care.
  • Disability Information Advisory Services – connecting people to the right supports.

This is new funding allocated through Budget 2024.