Refresh of the New Zealand Disability Strategy

Kia hiwa rā kia hiwa rā. 

Kia kōkiri ake, kia mataara.  

He karanga atu ki te ao whānui, ki te ao whaikaha.  

Haere mai ōu whakaaro rangatira ki tēnei kaupapa whakahirahira nau mai e te iwi e. 

Be watchful, be alert. Rise up, come forward, be counted, be alert. A call going out to the world, to the disabled world. We welcome your chiefly thoughts to this important discussion. We welcome all. 

New Zealand Disability Strategy

The New Zealand Disability Strategy 2016-2026 external URL guides the work of government agencies on disability issues. It represents New Zealand’s approach to the progressive realisation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD).  

The Strategy outlines key outcome areas where societal change is required. The vision and principles have a role in guiding the work and responsibilities of all government agencies to ensure disabled people, tāngata whaikaha Māori and their whānau can lead full lives. 

Updating the Strategy 

The current Strategy is almost 10 years old, so it is time for a refresh. As a first step, we are seeking expressions of interest from disabled people, Deaf, tāngata whaikaha Māori, whānau hauā, Turi Māori, Pacific people and families to be selected to be on one of five specific Working Groups.  

How will the Strategy be developed?

Throughout 2025 there will be three main ways disabled people can contribute to the development of the new Strategy. 

During the first half of this year, we will: 

  • Undertake targeted engagement to refresh the Vision and Principles of the Strategy 
  • Establish Working Groups to help develop the outcome areas and actions for the Strategy 

During the second half of the year, we will: 

  • Consult broadly with the disabled community on a full Strategy

Call for expressions of interest

We are seeking a range of people from the disability community to be part of specific Working Groups that will help to develop content for the refreshed New Zealand Disability Strategy. This may include disabled people, Deaf, tāngata whaikaha Māori, whānau hauā, Turi Māori, Pacific people and families.

Those selected to be part of the Working Groups will help shape the details of specific outcomes and actions for the refreshed New Zealand Disability Strategy.

During 2025 there will also be other opportunities for the disability community to get involved and we will keep people updated on our website and social media channels.

Why use Working Groups?

We are seeking a range of people from the disability community to be part of specific Working Groups that will help to develop content for the refreshed New Zealand Disability Strategy. This may include disabled people, Deaf, tāngata whaikaha Māori, whānau hauā, Turi Māori, Pacific people and families.

Those selected to be part of the Working Groups will help shape the details of specific outcomes and actions for the refreshed New Zealand Disability Strategy.

During 2025 there will also be other opportunities for the disability community to get involved and we will keep people updated on our website and social media channels.

What will the Working Groups cover?

We are preparing to set up five Working Groups. It is proposed that the new Strategy will have five outcome areas, aligned to the Government’s targets for public services:

  • Health
  • Education
  • Employment
  • Housing
  • Justice

These outcome areas are due to be considered by Cabinet in March 2025. The Working Groups will discuss each issue, the experiences of disabled people and look to develop actions to include in the new Strategy. Considerations that are likely to run through all these outcome areas include accessibility, data and equity. 

Who will be in the Working Groups?

Each Working Group will be made up of people with lived experience of disability, cross-agency government officials, industry or sector experts, and will be supported by officials from Whaikaha.

 The Ministry will appoint a Panel to select Working Group members, based on selection criteria.

What is expected of Working Group members?

You will provide lived experience, and knowledge of the outcome area and will be well connected to your community. We expect you to represent the broader experiences of others, and to contribute to decisions about priorities and strategic action. To do this, you will be well connected in the community in relation to the outcome area and be able to use your networks to draw information and test ideas.

Other tasks could include talking with government agencies and groups, reviewing and contributing to policy papers and working collaboratively across Working Groups and with government officials.

Time commitment and payment

  • The key working period for Working Groups will be between March to November 2025 and will require approximately 50 hours of time to attend meetings during these months
  • In addition to meetings, an estimated 40 hours will be allocated, to give community members an opportunity to network and connect with their communities and other engagement opportunities
  • Payment will be based on $100 per hour
  • Reasonable accommodations will be provided as necessary
  • Any costs associated with travel to attend in-person meetings will be covered

How to apply

Download an Expression of Interest Form (DOCX 161KB)This is also available in alternate formats below.

The Expression of Interest Form includes additional information, such as key selection criteria. We welcome expressions of interest via video or in other alternate formats. Please send them to

  • Expressions of Interest are due by Tuesday 11 March 2025 (note, this is an extension of the original closing date)
  • Applicants will be notified of the outcome by 21 March 2025
  • We hope to finalise appointments by 28 March 2025