Programmes and strategies
The Disability Four-Point Plan
The Disability Four-Point Plan or Te Kairangi Tūrama Muri (Backlit Pounamu) is a foundational plan to embed opportunities for tāngata whaikaha Māori and disabled people in the Public Service.
National Pacific Disability Action Plan
Whaikaha – Ministry of Disabled People is developing a National Pacific Disability Plan and wants to hear from Pacific disabled people and their aiga or whānau (family).
Insights Alliance
Learn about the Insights Alliance, it's function and it's membership.
Disability Action Plan 2019-2023
The Disability Action Plan presents priority work programmes and actions to deliver the eight outcomes in the Disability Strategy.
Refresh of the New Zealand Disability Strategy
The current Strategy is almost 10 years old, so it is time for a refresh. As a first step, we are seeking expressions of interest to join our Working Groups.
New Zealand Disability Strategy
The New Zealand Disability Strategy 2016-2026 guides the work of government agencies on disability issues.
- Foreword – Minister for Disability Issues
- Executive Summary
- Our journey - an introduction
- Our vision – where to from here
- Who we are – our community
- Principles and approaches
- Our outcomes – priorities for change
- Making it work
- Getting it going – who is involved
- Glossary
- Appendix 1 – The Reference Group
- Audio: the Disability Strategy
New Zealand Sign Language Strategy
The Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care
The Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care (Royal Commission) was established in 2018 to investigate children, young people, and vulnerable adults’ experiences of abuse and neglect in State and non-State care between 1950-1999.
My Home, My Choice
My Home, My Choice is a project looking at how we can make disabled people have more choice and control over where they live, who they live with and who they choose to assist them.
Disability workforce programme
The disability workforce programme is guiding the actions Whaikaha is taking to help strengthen the disability workforce.
Wai 2575 Health Services and Outcomes Inquiry
The Waitangi Tribunal’s inquiry into health services and outcomes (Wai 2575) was initiated in 2016 to hear all claims of national significance concerning grievances relating to health services and outcomes for Māori.