Our outcomes – priorities for change

The eight outcomes that will contribute towards achieving the vision of the Strategy are outlined in this section.

Figure 3

A diagram of the 8 outcomes outlined below, with "Outcomes: All outcomes are interconnected" at the centre

Each outcome has two parts to it:

1.   A description of what our future looks like – this is an aspirational description of what things should look like for disabled people in the future. This will help make sure that everyone has the same understanding about what the future should look like and that all actions are consistent with this.

2.   What this means – this describes at a high level what needs to happen to achieve the aspirational description. It also gives direction to what needs to happen in implementation.

·         For each outcome, the first bullet point states that disabled people are consulted on and actively involved in the development and implementation of legislation and policies concerning the outcome area.

·         This language is taken directly from the Convention.

Specific actions to implement the outcomes will be determined through the Disability Action Plan. You can read more about this in the Making it work section.

All outcomes are interconnected and should not be read in isolation. For example, achieving the employment outcome is dependent upon the education outcome. The outcome on attitudes is also relevant to all other outcomes. Figure 3 shows this interconnection.

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