Outcome 6: attitudes

We are treated with dignity and respect.

What our future looks like

Disability is understood and accepted as a part of the diversity of the human experience and we are treated with dignity and respect by those around us and society more broadly.

There is a willingness to explore attitudes towards disability, in particular those that negatively stereotype, stigmatise and discriminate. There is an appetite for seeking out ways to change attitudes and ensure that basic human rights are upheld for all people. These changes are made in a way that is safe and that upholds our views and diverse voices.

We are able to choose how we want to be identified and this is acknowledged and respected by society. This is particularly important for those of us who identify first within, for example, our ethnicity or culture and not with disability.

We will be encouraged to speak out in whatever language we use, and our views will be listened to. This includes those of us who may communicate differently, use technology to communicate, and/or have support to communicate or express our preferences. As a result, we are confident demonstrating the value we bring to our families, whānau, community and the country as a whole.

Our views, either as an individual or as part of a group, will be listened to without being diminished, and society will not seek to take this away, either by accident or design.

What this means:

  • Disabled people are consulted on and actively involved in the development and implementation of legislation and policies concerning attitude change, stigma and discrimination, in particular where they are specific to disabled people.
  • The rich diversity of the disability community will be included and represented in initiatives to change attitudes and behaviours, which will also ensure that disabled people are seen as part of other communities or groups.
  • There is a particular focus on making sure all frontline service providers and professionals treat disabled people with dignity and respect.
  • Decision-making on issues regarding attitude change, stigma and discrimination, is informed by robust data and evidence.