Outcome 1: education

We get an excellent education and achieve our potential throughout our lives.

What our future looks like

Our learning pathway supports us to develop friendships and social skills, as well as resilience, determination and confidence. It gives us a sense of belonging, builds our identity and language skills and prepares us for life beyond compulsory education.

All local schools and education services (including early childhood, primary secondary, tertiary, kohanga reo and kura kaupapa Māori) are welcoming and provide a great inclusive education for us. We have trained teachers and educators who support and believe in our progress and achievement, and value our contribution to the learning environment.

Education is provided in a way that supports our personal, academic and social development, both in and out of the formal schooling system. This includes making sure that those of us who use different languages (in particular New Zealand Sign Language), and other modes or means of communication, have ready access to them to achieve and progress. Information will be made available at the right time to those who support us, both when we are young or for those of us who need on-going support. This will help us succeed – whatever our individual education pathway may look like.

We are treated with respect and dignity by those around us in the education system, including our peers and those who teach and support us. The love and expertise of our families and whānau and their wish to see us succeed in education will be honoured without question.

As we move on to tertiary and life-long learning, the transition periods are smooth, with the right information and supports available at the right time – particularly when our needs or situations change. 

What this means:

  • Disabled people are consulted on and actively involved in the development and implementation of legislation and policies concerning education, including early childhood, primary, secondary and tertiary education.
  • Access to mainstream education is inclusive (including policy, practice and pedagogy).
  • Services that are specific to disabled people are high quality, available and accessible.
  • Inclusive education is a core competency for all teachers and educators.
  • Decision-making on issues regarding education of disabled people is informed by robust data and evidence.