Outcome 2: employment and economic security

We have security in our economic situation and can achieve our potential.

What our future looks like

We take pride in the meaningful paid and voluntary work we do, knowing that we are contributing to our families and whānau, communities and the country as a whole.

We are proportionately represented at all levels of employment, we are self-employed, we own businesses, and we are employers, managers and employees. Career progression is an important part of our working life.

Employers are confident and willing to employ us in meaningful jobs that utilise our strengths and make the best use of what we have to offer. They also have access to on-going support, guidance and tools to help support them in their role as a fair and equitable employer. When we apply for jobs, we do not face any barriers in the application process.

We are treated with respect and dignity by our non-disabled peers and we feel that the work we do is meaningful, valued and real.

Those of us who need specialised supports and services have ready access to them to secure and sustain employment. Reasonable accommodation is understood and provided by our employers. We will have the same opportunities to progress our careers as our non-disabled peers. The additional costs of disability are met, so that we are able to enjoy the same standard of living as other workers.

We have an adequate standard of living that enables us to fully participate in society, where necessary through the provision of income support which takes into account the additional cost of disability. This applies to everyone, including those of us who are not able to work, are retired, are unable to work full-time, or work full-time yet are still unable to afford and maintain an adequate standard of living.

What this means:

  •  Disabled people are consulted on and actively involved in the development and implementation of legislation and policies concerning employment and income support.
  • Access to mainstream employment and income support services is barrier-free and inclusive.
  • Services that are specific to disabled people are high quality, available and accessible.
  • All frontline workers, including case managers and employers, treat disabled people with dignity and respect.
  • Decision-making on issues regarding employment and income support of disabled people is informed by robust data and evidence.