Wai 2575 Health Services and Outcomes Inquiry

The Waitangi Tribunal’s inquiry into health services and outcomes (Wai 2575) was initiated in 2016 to hear all claims of national significance concerning grievances relating to health services and outcomes for Māori.


The Waitangi Tribunal’s inquiry into health services and outcomes (Wai 2575) was initiated in 2016 to hear all claims of national significance concerning grievances relating to health services and outcomes for Māori.

The Ministry of Health - Manatū Hauora is the lead Crown agency on Wai 2575. Wai 2575 is proceeding over three stages. It is currently in phase one (the disability phase) of stage two. The Ministry of Disabled People – Whaikaha has been participating, along with other Crown agencies, in the disability phase since August 2022.

Whaikaha acknowledges all claimants who have given evidence and shared their experiences with the Tribunal as part of this inquiry.

Timeline to recommendations

Whaikaha remains committed to improving outcomes for tāngata whaikaha Māori and will continue to support and contribute to the inquiry.

Following the second Crown hearing week, the Crown is due to file its closing submissions by 30 September. Whaikaha will be contributing to the drafting of closing submissions, and they will be presented before the Waitangi Tribunal during a hearing that is currently planned from 2 to 6 December 2024.

It is expected the Waitangi Tribunal will release their report and recommendations mid to late 2025.

More information

Further information is available at: