Making it work

This section outlines how the Strategy will be implemented. 

Figure 4: Governance and Monitoring

A diagram showing governance interlocking with the CRPD, the disability strategy, outcomes framework, the disability action plan and independent monitoring

It has two parts:

1.    Keeping on track with progress

2.    Achieving practical action

  • Disability Action Plan
  • Governance
  • Monitoring implementation
  • Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities – making rights a reality
  • Making sure the priorities are right – how consultation will work.

An area of strength for the disability community and sector is that it is diverse, with a range of perspectives. This includes different experiences, areas of expertise and representation (either being representative of a particular group or more formally representing an organisation/group) and advocacy. This is sometimes referred to as wearing many different ‘hats’. We are also recognised as experts in our own lives and making sure we are involved in decision-making on issues that impact on us leads to better quality results.

All of these perspectives are important in different ways for the governance and independent monitoring mechanisms, as well as the consultation processes that will support the effective implementation of this Strategy. These mechanisms and processes should aim to reflect the diversity and the changing nature of the disability community.

Figure 4 reflects the governance and monitoring of the Strategy.

Keeping on track with progress

It is a priority for the Government that progress toward implementing the Strategy remains on track. To monitor this, an Outcomes Framework was developed. The Outcomes Framework outlines how we will monitor progress against the Strategy. The framework specifies:

  • the targets and indicators (including for each outcome and the principles and approaches where appropriate)
  • where the information comes from
  • how often it will be collected
  • who is responsible for collecting it
  • where proxies are needed and how information gaps will be addressed. (Note: ‘proxy’ or ‘proxies’ means ‘something similar’. Proxy indicators are used when the required data is not available, so a similar indicator is used instead.)

The Outcomes Framework will also help make sure there is continuous learning and improvement prior to a final evaluation of the Strategy in 2026.

Every year, the Minister for Disability Issues will report publicly to Parliament on the progress made to implement the Strategy against the Outcomes Framework. This will meet the requirement for the Minister to report under the New Zealand Public Health and Disability Act 2000. The reports will also be submitted to Cabinet to ensure they inform the development and update of Disability Action Plans.

Achieving practical action

Disability Action Plan

The Disability Action Plan (the Plan) will be the primary vehicle for implementation of this Strategy. Future plans will:

  • focus on high priority and significant actions for one or more government agencies (this will help make sure the Plan is manageable and easy to understand)
  • present a complete picture of the priorities in implementing the Strategy
  • support effective learning across government agencies, particularly in the application of the principles and approaches that are applied throughout the Strategy.

Future Plans will continue to cover a four-year period and they will be updated at the mid-point to ensure priorities remain relevant (that is after two years). Issues like funding or legislation need to be considered in the context of actions in the Plans rather than in this Strategy.

There are other strategies and plans that are also relevant to the Disability Strategy. A description of some of these links can be found on the Office for Disability Issues website.


As a Government Strategy, decisions on implementation will be made by Cabinet.

These will be informed by the existing governance mechanisms for the Disability Action Plan: the Chief Executives’ Group on Disability Issues (and associated Senior Officials Group) and Disabled People’s Organisations.

Monitoring implementation

The Independent Monitoring Mechanism (IMM) will help provide an independent perspective on progress toward achieving the outcomes and goals of the Disability Strategy.

The IMM was established by the Government in 2011. It fulfils an obligation for the Government under the Convention to have an independent mechanism to promote, protect and monitor implementation under Article 33 of the Convention. It is made up of the Human Rights Commission, Office of the Ombudsman and the Convention Coalition Monitoring Group (a group of Disabled People’s Organisations).

The Strategy is the primary vehicle for progressive realisation of the Convention. Therefore it is appropriate for the IMM to provide an independent perspective on implementation of the Strategy. This will not however, be seen to limit in any way, the IMM’s mandate to monitor the Convention.

Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities – making rights a reality

Every four years, the Government reports to and receives Concluding Observations from the United Nations Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Concluding Observations recognise areas of good progress but also include recommendations on things that need to be improved.

The Concluding Observations will be included as part of the public consultation process to develop and update the Disability Action Plans. Recommendations from the IMM will also be considered as part of this consultation alongside those from the Committee.

Making the Concluding Observations and recommendations an integral part of implementation of the Disability Strategy will help make the rights of disabled people a reality.


Every two years there will be public consultation to inform the development or update of the Disability Action Plans. There is a lot that needs to be done to make this Strategy work, and it is important that priorities for action are informed by what disabled people and the community says is most important to them.

The process for public consultation will reflect the diversity of the disability community as well as the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and the Convention (including Articles 4.3).

Making it work – a schedule of implementation


What happens


New Disability Strategy 2016–2026 agreed by Cabinet


Public consultation process to develop the Outcomes Framework for the Strategy

Outcomes Framework for the Strategy agreed by Cabinet

Update of the Disability Action Plan – to align with the new Strategy

Annual report from Minister for Disability Issues, including baseline information against the Outcomes Framework where possible


Government reports to and receives Concluding Observations from the United Nations Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Government receives recommendations from the Independent Monitoring Mechanism

Annual report from Minister for Disability Issues against Outcomes Framework


Public consultation process to develop new Disability Action Plan (to include recommendations from the United Nations Committee/Independent Monitoring Mechanism)

New Disability Action Plan (2019–2022) agreed by Cabinet

Annual report from Minister for Disability Issues against Outcomes Framework


Annual report from Minister for Disability Issues against Outcomes Framework


Public consultation process for mid-point update of Disability Action Plan

Updated Disability Action Plan to be agreed by Cabinet

Annual report from Minister for Disability Issues against Outcomes Framework


Government reports to and receives recommendations from the United Nations Committee

Government receives report from the Independent Monitoring Mechanism

Annual report from Minister for Disability Issues against Outcomes Framework


Public consultation process to develop new Disability Action Plan (to include recommendations from the United Nations Committee/Independent Monitoring Mechanism)

New Disability Action Plan (2023–2026) agreed by Cabinet

Annual update report from Minister for Disability Issues against Outcomes Framework


Annual report from Minister for Disability Issues against Disability Outcomes Framework


Public consultation process for mid-point update of Disability Action Plan

Annual report from Minister for Disability Issues against Outcomes Framework


Government reports to and receives recommendations from the United Nations Committee

Government receives report from the Independent Monitoring Mechanism

Evaluation of the Strategy (and Disability Action Plans)

Annual report from Minister for Disability Issues against Outcomes Framework

End of current Disability Strategy 2016–2026. Next steps to be confirmed