Executive Summary

The New Zealand Disability Strategy (the Strategy) will guide the work of government agencies on disability issues from 2016 to 2026.

The vision of this Strategy is:

New Zealand is a non-disabling society – a place where disabled people have an equal opportunity to achieve their goals and aspirations, and all of New Zealand works together to make this happen.

Three sets of principles and two approaches will help implement the Strategy

The principles and approaches will help make sure the disabled community is visible, acknowledged and respected on an equal basis with others, and that disabled people can live a life with dignity and feel valued.

The three principles are: Te Tiriti o Waitangi, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and ensuring disabled people are involved in decision-making that impacts them. The two approaches are: Investing in our whole lives – a long-term approach, and Specific and mainstream services – a twin-track approach.

The Strategy identifies eight outcome areas

The outcome areas that will contribute to achieving the vision of the Strategy are:

Outcome 1 – education

We get an excellent education and achieve our potential throughout our lives.

Outcome 2 – employment and economic security

We have security in our economic situation and can achieve our full potential.

Outcome 3 – health and wellbeing

We have the highest attainable standards of health and wellbeing.

Outcome 4 – rights protection and justice

Our rights are protected, we feel safe, understood and are treated fairly and equitably by the justice system.

Outcome 5 – accessibility

We access all places, services and information with ease and dignity.

Outcome 6 – attitudes

We are treated with dignity and respect.

Outcome 7 – choice and control

We have choice and control over our lives.

Outcome 8 – leadership

We have great opportunities to demonstrate our leadership.

Targets will be developed, measures will be in place, and actions will be undertaken to implement the Strategy

An Outcomes Framework will be developed in 2017 which will set targets and measures for the Strategy. Annual reporting against the Outcomes Framework will be published on the Office for Disability Issues website. The Disability Action Plan will be the primary vehicle for implementing the Strategy. Figure 1 on the following page outlines the Strategy’s framework. 

Figure 1 | Disability Strategy Framework

A diagram showing the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, showing the eight outcomes, under the vision of NZ as a non-disabling society, framed by the Disability Strategy and the Strategy Outcomes Framework, along with the Disability Action Plan

n and justice 

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