Cabinet Papers and information releases

This information is released by Whaikaha – Ministry of Disabled People. In releasing this information, Whaikaha takes into account the public interest in making the information public. 

Alternate formats for some publications are available.

Progressing the Government response to the UNCRPD Concluding Observations

Date published Document

Cabinet Paper - Progressing the Government response to the UNCRPD Concluding Observations (PDF 307KB)

Appendix Two - Progressing the Government response to the UNCRPD Concluding Observations (PDF 249KB)

Briefing - Progressing the Government response to the UNCRPD Concluding Observations (PDF 338KB)

Alternate formats of the paper summary

The full Cabinet paper will also be available in three alternate formats; braille, large print and audio soon. 

Review for Whaikaha of policies, processes, and practices for managing complaints about IDEA Services Limited

Whaikaha commissioned a review, from an independent barrister, into the processes and practices for managing complaints about the delivery of disability support services by IDEA Services.

Date published Document

Review for Whaikaha of policies, processes, and practices for managing complaints about IDEA Services Limited (PDF 1.2MB)

We have made a screen-reader friendly version of the report. There are formatting changes made, to make this version more accessible for blind or low vision readers. The content in this version has not been changed or altered from the original content.

Alternate formats of the full review

Alternate formats of the review summary

Disability Transformation Tagged Contingency Drawdown

In September 2023, the Government announced that Whaikaha could access $73.7 million over the next four years and an additional $40.5 million per annum in the following years to support our disability system transformation work.

We have proactively released the Disability Transformation Tagged Contingency Drawdown paper we sent the Government.

The full report is available as braille and audio files. The summary of the report will be available in Easy Read, Braille, Audio and NZSL.

Date published Document

Disability Transformation Tagged Contingency Drawdown paper (DOCX 266KB)

Disability Transformation Tagged Contingency Drawdown paper (PDF 501KB)

Alternate formats of the full paper

Alternate formats of the paper summary

UNCRPD: Government response and proposed mechanisms to support implementation

The paper sought agreement to a Government response to the Concluding Observations provided by the UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in 2022.

The approach to this response was updated by Cabinet in 2024. You can find more information about the new approach on the Response to recommendations from second UNCRPD examination webpage. external URL

The full Cabinet paper is available in three alternate formats. The summary Cabinet paper is available in all alternate formats.

Date published Document
25/08/2023 Government response and proposed mechanisms to support implementation (PDF 115KB)
25/08/2023 Appendix One - Mapping concluding Observation recommendations to Lead and Supporting agencies (PDF 61KB)
25/08/2023 Braille - Government response and proposed mechanisms to support implementation (BRF 27KB)
25/08/2023 Audio - Government response and proposed mechanisms to support implementation external URL
25/08/2023 Large Print - Government response and proposed mechanisms to support implementation (DOCX 68KB)

Summary of Cabinet paper with alternate formats

The summary of the Cabinet paper is produced by Whaikaha - Ministry of Disabled People.

Date published Document
25/08/2023 Summary of Cabinet paper  (DOCX 47KB)
25/08/2023 Large Print - Summary of Cabinet paper  (DOCX 264KB)
25/08/2023 Easy Read - Summary of Cabinet paper  (PDF 2.8MB)
25/08/2023 Easy Read - Summary of Cabinet paper  (DOCX 6MB)
25/08/2023 New Zealand Sign Language - Summary of Cabinet paper  external URL
25/08/2023 Audio - Summary of Cabinet paper  (MP3 2.2MB)
25/08/2023 Braille - Summary of Cabinet paper  (BRF 5KB)


COVID-19 Outcomes for People Receiving Disability Support Services (DSS)

Date published Document
09/02/2023 Information Release: COVID-19 Outcomes for People Receiving Disability Support Services (DSS) (DOCX 114KB) 

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